Kundalini Yoga Level Two Modules

Kundalini Yoga

Here are the Kundalini Yoga Level II Modules

For more information:
  Meherbani Kaur Khalsa
Email info@sdkyi.com or call 619 454 4295


In this 60 hour course, cultivate the core skills for this coming age – the ability to recognize stress in ourselves and others and develop the tools to transform it and balance it with conscious relaxation. Kundalini Yoga prepares each of us to be teachers who act with undaunted spirit, exalted caliber and character, and the vitality to overcome every crisis.

This course is a chance to look closely at how we react to, cope with, and master our vitality.

Key Topics

  • Explore Your Vitality and Recognize Consciousness as the Core of Vitality
  • Identify Your Stress
  • Heal Cold Depression and Emotional Fatigue
  • Relieve, Relax, Recharge
  • Realize the Victory of the Spiritual Warrior

Experience Yoga and Meditation in a spiritual community.

Study with KRI certified senior trainers from the Aquarian Academy.

Explore the nature of our individual cultural stress.

Learn to identify our stressors. Use kriyas and meditations as well as other processes to balance stress and uplift ourselves and others.


Deepen your practice of meditation, clarify the relationship between you and your mind, and explore the basic nature and dynamics of the mind. Our relationship to our own mind is pivotal in effectively realizing our true nature and fulfilling our potential. We come to Earth to experience our humanity and recognize the One Infinite being that creates all and which is in all. The greatest power is the ability to act with a Neutral Mind, to use intuition along with applied intelligence and to lean on the infinite through the sacred science known as prayer.

Key Topics

  • Enhance the depth of your understanding of meditation and experience deep meditations on the nine aspects of the mind.
  • Focus on your relationship to your own mind.
  • Increase your ability to observe neutrally, to become still, to clear your mind of distractions and intrigues, to recognize when you establish a state of shuniya, and to recognize the different functional parts of your mind.
  • Experience and practice the use of intuition as a primary skill of Kundalini Yoga

and Meditation.

  • Learn the structure of the mind and examine the impersonal minds, the qualities of the mind, and the nine aspects of the mind.
  • Understand how to use the 27 projections of the mind.

Experience Yoga and Meditation in a spiritual community.

Study with KRI certified senior trainers from the Aquarian Academy.

Come into a relationship with your mind and with the Self which transcends time and space. Relate to the oneness of your identity with Infinity. Become one with the One.


How did I get here and where am I going?

In this 60 hour course, you will discover the answer to these questions and more.

LifeCycles and LifeStyles offers a practical set of disciplines and attitudes that lead to excellence and depth in the human experience.

Working individually and in groups, we will explore you and your relationship to your destiny cycle.

Key Topics

  • Discover your Purpose: Do you define it for yourself, or is it defined externally by Fate or Destiny?
  • Map out the stages and cycles of your life
  • Identify habits, cycles and practices that help and hinder your life in the present, past and future.
  • Renew your self-concept and let your true character be reflected and projected.
  • Confront fears of death and learn to live without worry.

Experience Yoga and Meditation in a spiritual community.

Study with KRI certified senior trainers from the Aquarian Academy.

Use kriyas and meditations as well as other processes to support an intentional life, in harmony with Destiny.


Integrate authentic relationships into your life and your teaching. Explore and understand how we form, sustain and honor relationships. Our success as Kundalini Yoga teachers and as conscious human beings depends on our capacity to be authentic and respond from our hearts.

Our primary objective is to examine our relationships and improve our effectiveness, authenticity and awareness within them.

Key Topics

  • Explore what an authentic relationship is and what it’s not.
  • Relate to your soul as the foundation for authentic relationships.
  • Understand the special challenges that long-term relationships and marriages face.
  • Identify the common ways that relationships fail.
  • Develop self-love as a key to authentic relationships.
  • Identify our core paradox and transform it from problem to opportunity.
  • Create a conscious relationship with your own masculine and feminine energies.
  • Develop Sacred Community.

Experience Yoga and Meditation in a spiritual community.

Study with KRI certified senior trainers from the Aquarian Academy.

Use awareness, contemplation and meditation to revise your relationship to self and others. Forgive the past and heal the present. Release yourself from the wounds of love and begin to live authentically. Recognize the patterns that keep you from expressing your true Self and create a new template: give and receive love from abundance, consciousness and ease.


“What do we mean by communication? The definition of communication is a practice that creates a “common notion” with another person or object of attention…” —Yogi Bhajan

Yogi Bhajan left a treasure of previously secret teachings on the art of communication. This transformational course draws on these sacred teachings and gives you the tools and experience to create a more authentic and powerful projection of yourself by learning to communicate consciously first with yourself and then with others.

Key Topics

  • Recognize and contrast conscious communication with other types of communication
  • The role of silence and shuniya in communication
  • The art of deep listening—“sunni-ai”
  • Mastering the Fifth Chakra (throat chakra)
  • Recognizing your shadow and overcoming your blocks through applied consciousness
  • Communicating with the Infinite and the nature of prayer
  • Learning to listen and respond with compassion
  • Learning to elevate and inspire others through your word
  • Using the different chakras to elevate your communication

Experience Yoga and Meditation in a spiritual community.

Study with KRI certified senior trainers from the Aquarian Academy.

Use your communication skills to create a common notion others—even those you disagree with. Communicate your whole Self, with awareness, kindness and fearlessness. Listen—don’t just hear. Elevate your communication to the power of creative dialogue so that life becomes a flow, in harmony with the Infinite.